Peeve's Tip Jar

Friday, September 7, 2012

No-scoping Tutorial

No-scoping in Dark Souls is a useful tactic for bow users (I do not suggest it for greatbow or crossbow users, considering the greatbow has a bad vertical aiming range when no-scoping, and it just does not work with crossbows).

Attempting to hit a moving target while locked on is unreliable, and the zoom-in feature moves too slow when attempting to adjust your shot. No-scoping allows you to lead your target, as well as make spur of the moment adjustments. Quick-scoping can be useful, but becomes unreliable when zooming in while the target is a short distance away from you.

To aim while no-scoping, first adjust your camera at an angle which allows you to see the target clearly. Then, push the left stick towards the enemy while you continually shoot at the target.

NOTE: If you stop pressing R1/RB, you will cancel your shot and begin to walk forward.

Do not move the left stick unless absolutely necessary (it can be used to make a very quick adjustment, but can throw off your aim if done wrong), keep it in that original position. Instead, adjust the camera using the right stick in order to aim your shot, while keeping the left stick pressed in its original position.

Use missed shots to help judge your aim and zone in on your target.

Practice on enemies regularly so when you do need to use this tactic against another player, you'll be prepared.